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Schedule 2024

Leslie OflahavanOwnerE-WRITE

Leslie O'Flahavan has helped thousands of people learn to write well for online readers. She has delivered customized writing courses for customer service agents, social media managers, and technical support staff. She is a problem-solver for all the writing-related challenges faced by contact centers: e-mail, chat, social media, and text. She helps contact centers train agents to write well, measure the quality of their writing, and maintain their libraries of canned answers. Recently, she completed a complete overhaul of customer service writing for a global airline’s domestic and international contact centers. In recent years, Leslie was named one of ICMI’s “Top 25 Thought Leaders,” Netomi’s “50 of the Best CX Influencers,” ProcedureFlow’s “Top 30 Customer Service Influencers,” and Engati’s “30 CX Leaders to Follow.” Leslie is a LinkedIn Learning author of six courses: Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text, Customer Service: Writing for Social Media, Technical Writing: How to Write a Quickstart Guide, How to Write Customer Service Email and Writing in Plain Language. Leslie is the co-author of Clear, Correct, Concise E-Mail: A Writing Workbook for Customer Service Agents.
