Kaleb Stunkard (Executive Vice President, CEO, Lighthouse Central Florida)
Location: Hibiscus 2
Date: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!
Session Type: Session
Vault Recording: TBD
Imagine a contact center with less than 10% attrition, where agents not only excel at their jobs but are also people who have problem solved every day of their life, who typically have more life and professional experience than typical agents, are naturally empathetic listeners, many of whom have college degrees, advanced degrees and even entrepreneurial or operational business backgrounds. Learn how Lighthouse Works has achieved this by turning the traditional contact center model on its head. In this dynamic session, Kyle Johnson will share how investing in people who are commonly marginalized and counted out, and how innovative solutions can revolutionize customer experience, stabilize attrition, create subject matter experts, exceed customer expectations, and make a critical social impact.
Learn how Lighthouse Works creates an environment that empowers agents to thrive, while delivering unparalleled value, quality and performance. Discover their secret to combining mission-driven work, with cutting-edge technology, to not only elevate the customer journey but also generate sustainable funding. Join us and be inspired to transform your contact center by putting people first. Process, technology and training levels the playing field and generates distinct competitive advantages because they leverage a unique workforce, not in spite of it.