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Schedule 2024

Session 205: From Chaos to Call Volume Patterns – Forecasting Disasters at FEMA

Ezra Boggs  (Forecaster, Dept of Homeland Security/FEMA)

Location: Coral Sea 2

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Maximize Productivity and Operations, Revolutionize the Experience

Session Type: Case Study

Vault Recording: TBD

Every contact center experiences unplanned events or short-term notifications, sometimes catastrophic. Join a FEMA forecasting professional who has handled disaster forecasting emergencies for nearly a decade. An accurate forecast increases the ability to support survivors or customers during a critical time—sometimes it’s a matter of life or death!

We can’t prevent unplanned (or short-notice) events from occurring; we can build forecasts to inform how we respond. This presentation will discuss the following

  • Building forecasts to respond to unplanned events – especially when they are massive
  • Determining which data is appropriate to use for different situations
  • Handling events when there is little data available

This session will walk through examples of forecasting workload to respond quickly!