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Schedule 2024

Pre-11: Essentials of Experience Management

Rae Ann Bruno  (President, Business Solutions Training, Inc.)

Location: Coral Sea 1

Date: Tuesday, October 22

Time: 12:30 pm - 3:45 pm

Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Workshop

Vault Recording: TBD

Since 2000, our economy has shifted from an economy based on providing and managing services to one that offers experiences that matter to people. A new generation of experience-dominant companies has emerged, like Apple, Tesla, Google, and Facebook, replacing service-dominant companies.

This workshop is a first step toward building a career in this experience economy and building an employee-focused, experience-forward organization. Learn the best practices within the Experience Optimization Framework, what Experience Level Agreements (XLAs) are, and the difference between Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and XLAs. Walk away with an understanding of what it takes to improve and measure employee and user experience in your organization. Join us and start your journey toward becoming an ambassador for experience management.