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Schedule 2024

Rae Ann BrunoPresidentBusiness Solutions Training, Inc.

Rae Ann Bruno President of Business Solutions Training, Inc. (BST), brings extensive expertise in Experience Management, IT Service Management, KCS, Service Desk Enhancement, and related fields. Recognized for her contributions as a speaker, author, consultant and trainer, she has been featured on HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders list multiple times and was inducted into the HDI Hall of Fame in 2017. Additionally, she was honored as one of Cherwell’s IT Legends in the same year. As an APMG certified trainer in Experience Essentials, Experience Foundation, and Experience Practitioner, alongside her role as a host on XLA.TV, Rae Ann demonstrates her commitment to sharing knowledge and advancing Experience Management globally. In addition to her role as an HDI Business Associate (consulting and training), Rae Ann is a recognized voice within the IT service management and Experience Management communities. She frequently speaks and teaches at conferences and contributes articles to publications.
