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Schedule 2024

Contact Center Show - LIVE Podcast

Bob Furniss  (Consultant/Evangelist, Touchpoint Associates)

Amas Tenumah  (Digital Prophet, Customer Service Evangelist)

Location: Expo Hall Floor - Booth 1120

Date: Tuesday, October 22

Time: 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

Pass Type: Expo Hall Only Pass, Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Event Experience

Vault Recording: TBD

With more than 60 years of contact center leadership and consulting experience between them, Amas Tenumah and Bob Furniss launched their podcast - The Contact Center Show in 2020 to share real-life experiences and perspectives.

They have thousands of listeners/downloads monthly - and have been described as “...informative, funny, experienced, insightful....” But they are quick to tell you their main goal is to have fun first - while solving real-life customer experience issues.

They will be presenting four LIVE podcasts on the showroom floor during the conference. This is your chance to meet them and interact live during their show - asking questions and perhaps challenging their perspectives - much like they challenge each other.

They will tackle the most important issues facing our industry and interview session speakers and expo partners to take the conversations one level deeper.