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Schedule 2024

Your search for "artificial intelligence" returned the below results for sessions and speakers.

Pre-04: artificial intelligence in the Contact Center

Speaker: Josh Streets  (Scoreboard Group Consulting)

Pass Type: Training + Standard Conference Pass, Training Only Pass

Session Type: Training

Pre-04: artificial intelligence in the Contact Center

Speaker: Josh Streets  (Scoreboard Group Consulting)

Pass Type: Training + Standard Conference Pass, Training Only Pass

Session Type: Training

Session 305: AI Promise vs. Reality of Contact Centers

Speaker: Christa Heibel  (CH Consulting Group)

Pass Type: Premium Conference Pass, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass

Track: Maximize Productivity and Operations

Session Type: Session

Session 405: Case Studies in Successful AI and ML - A Transformation Roadmap

Speaker: Jeff Rumburg  (MetricNet, LLC)

Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass

Track: Maximize Productivity and Operations, Revolutionize the Experience

Session Type: Session

Session 406: Leveraging AI for revenue growth and cultural enhancement: Three keys

Speaker: Juanita Coley  (Solid Rock Consulting)

Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass

Track: Revolutionize the Experience

Session Type: Session