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ICMI’s Contact Center Expo: A Digital Edition provides inspirational sessions that matter to you, with high-quality speakers and more practitioner-led case studies than ever, this one-day conference is sure to educate and inspire you.

Unlike most virtual events, we invest in delivering an interactive, community-focused experience that’s rooted in practical and actional information and customized networking.

Click on session titles for full session descriptions. All times noted are in EST.

Jimmy ChebatFounder & CEOZIZO Techologies

Jimmy Chebat, Founder and CEO of ZIZO Technologies and the host of "The ZIZO Effect" Podcast, is a visionary leader driving workplace innovation through the power of gamification. With a wealth of entrepreneurial experience and a strong foundation in technology, Jimmy has reshaped employee engagement and productivity in innovative ways. At ZIZO, Jimmy channels his expertise to cultivate dynamic and motivating work environments, demonstrating the profound impact of gamification in business.
