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Schedule 2024

Afshan KinderCEOSwitchGear, Ltd. & elevate2Great

Afshan was voted by her clients to be in the ICMI top 25 thought leaders in North America. This recognition stems from her consistent track record of surpassing her clients’ expectations, establishing, and helping them maintain world-class standards in customer experience and employee engagement.

 This is achieved through her innovative strategies that cultivate customer-centric mindsets, bolster leadership capabilities, and streamline customer experience and operations using cutting-edge technologies such as AI.

To ensure high adoption and sustainment of newly introduced changes, Afshan has created a unique leadership and coaching program called the elevate2Great Leadership and Coaching Series or e2G which has been certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Away from a client’s site, Afshan sits on the GTACC Advisory Board and is a contributing author to 3 books, Call Centers FOR DUMMIES, Game Changing Ideas: 10 Years of SwitchGear Insights, and Amazon Kindle best-selling book, Called to Action. Afshan is also a proud member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Women Business Enterprises (WBE) and a requested speaker.
