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Schedule 2024

Christa HeibelCEO/FounderCH Consulting Group

Christa Heibel, President and Founder, CH Consulting Group Since beginning her contact center career as an agent in 1992, Christa has focused on creating solutions that bridge the gap between people and technology. With an innate understanding of the industry's core values – relationships, communication and trust – Christa understands the unique needs of all stakeholders including business leaders, employees and consumers. Having experienced first-hand how technology has revolutionized the industry, Christa believes the contact center of the future will be experiential rather than transactional. With AI and self-service increasingly fulfilling simple tasks, the contact center is becoming a solution center and hub for connections between brands and people, both employees and consumers. Christa has served in nearly every position in the contact center, from telemarketer to CEO, and has built a reputation as an industry insider, thought leader and change maker. Passionate about driving transformations reinforced by quantifiable results, Christa started CH Consulting Group in 2011 to provide comprehensive contact center services driven by her philosophy of cooperation over competition. Since then, she has built a team of industry experts with more than 350 years combined experience and served companies that include Microsoft, Nutrisystem, Deluxe and many more.
