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ICMI’s Contact Center Expo: A Digital Edition provides inspirational sessions that matter to you, with high-quality speakers and more practitioner-led case studies than ever, this one-day conference is sure to educate and inspire you.

Unlike most virtual events, we invest in delivering an interactive, community-focused experience that’s rooted in practical and actional information and customized networking.

Click on session titles for full session descriptions. All times noted are in EST.

Michele CarlsonDirector of Product MarketingNICE

Michele is an expert in AI-powered analytics technologies that enable businesses to create better experiences for their customers. In her role as a Director of Product Marketing, Michele brings a warm, energetic approach to connecting businesses and consumers with technology to drive results. Her experience with AI and analytics in customer experience and contact centers spans nearly two decades – far before it was “cool.” Michele has a diverse background in the AI and analytics space, including product management, data analysis, QA engineering, change management, along with agent and supervisor performance coaching. Outside of work, Michele is a mom of four, and enjoys skiing and yoga.
