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Schedule 2024

Session 301: House of Cards: The EX / CX Relationship

Doug Rabold  (Principal Consultant, Bold Ray Consulting)

Location: Java Sea 1

Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pass Type: Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Track: Boost Your Culture, Revolutionize the Experience

Session Type: Session

Vault Recording: TBD

The last decade has witnessed significant focus on the correlation between Employee Engagement and Customer Experience. Disney, Zappos and Nordstrom are just a few of the corporate titans who have thrived and positioned themselves as industry leaders by leveraging positive employee experience to deliver exceptional customer experience.

Yet few organizations outside of retail and hospitality have truly grasped and effectively leveraged this approach. The reality, however, is that it is possible - even necessary - to focus on the frontline support employees if you aspire to customer experience excellence regardless of industry.

If you have nerves of steel, a deft touch, and the cat-like agility required to build a house of cards, this HIGHLY interactive and VERY participative workshop style session is for you. Through a group activity, we will demonstrate how truly important employee engagement for your Service and Support Team to rise above the rest.

Join Doug Rabold, leader of multiple award-winning teams, for a fun yet enlightening exploration of the direct link between Employee Engagement and Customer Experience. And bring a deck or two of cards along with you if you'd like...


1) Theory: Employee Engagement and Customer Experience are directly correlated
2) Practice: Leading highly engaged teams yields improved results
3) FUN!: Working together on a fun activity can reinforce the theory and the practice