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Schedule 2024

Pre-02: Contact Center Strategy and Leadership

Brad Cleveland  (Senior Advisor & Co-Founder, ICMI)

Location: Hibiscus 2

Date: Monday, October 21

Time: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Pass Type: Training + Standard Conference Pass, Training Only Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Training

Vault Recording: TBD

This executive-level planning workshop will provide the tools and direction necessary to develop, implement and manage a contact center strategy and leadership process.

Apply the lessons of the world’s best contact centers to transform your service and conquer new competitive challenges. You'll get the information, tools, and direction necessary to develop, implement, and manage a contact center strategy and leadership process—and then you and your colleagues will work through realistic exercises to discuss key contact center challenges. You'll leave with tools, techniques, and strategies you can implement immediately and for years to come.