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Schedule 2024

Opening KEYNOTE: The Rise of the Servant Challenger

Nate Brown  (Co-Founder, CX Accelerator)

Location: Oceana Ballroom 1-6

Date: Tuesday, October 22

Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pass Type: Expo Hall Only Pass, Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Keynote

Vault Recording: TBD

In a world where most organizations are crippled by inertia, the ability to cultivate challengers is a rare superpower. These are remarkable people who have the confidence, desire, and capability to push the boundaries of the status quo. Customer Service environments are especially ripe for this type of disruption...but with an edifying twist. Introducing the "Servant Challenger" mentality! This TED style keynote will provide leaders with a new coaching strategy as we work to elevate service workers to their full potential. We will explore:

- The culminating stage of "The Circle of Psychological Safety" and how to move towards it

- How to unlock communal transformation across your customer-facing ecosystem for lasting positive change

- Developing the type of confidence and commanderie that is a trademark of world-class service organizations