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Schedule 2024

KEYNOTE: Fear(less) Leadership

Dr. Rebecca Heiss  (Author and Speaker, Rebecca Heiss)

Location: Oceana Ballroom 1-6

Date: Thursday, October 24

Time: 8:30 am - 10:00 am

Pass Type: Expo Hall Only Pass, Standard + Workshop + Site Tour, Standard Conference Pass, Training + Standard Conference Pass - Get your pass now!

Session Type: Keynote

Vault Recording: TBD

As leaders it’s imperative that we are self-aware. And yet research finds that nearly 90% of us…aren’t. We have to find new ways of understanding our fears, our strengths, our shortcomings, and all of the ways that our brains keep sabotaging us from being the most effective leaders we can be. That’s where Rebecca comes in by providing immediately applicable strategies to intervene with our self-limiting instincts


1. Break through barriers to optimal performance.
2. Build self-awareness and fear(less) culture.
3. Drive your company to be more profitable and productive.